Issue 10 | Autumn 2024 | Postbox Magazine
‘Firstly, I’d like to apologise for the long delay in the publication of this issue which should have been in late March/early April, and thank you for your patience. I became unwell early this year, suffered four transient ischaemic attacks (TIAs) within eight days and lost most of the vision in my right eye. I eventually had quite extensive laser eye surgery which was a game changer and has now improved my vision so much that I am allowed to drive again. I have to return to hospital in the next couple of months and may have to have a little more laser eye surgery but it will be worth it if that improves my vision even further.
A special thank you to Samuel Tongue, our new editor, for his understanding and for his careful editing resulting in this dynamic issue, it really is appreciated.
I hope you enjoy what has now become the Autumn issue and normal service will be resumed next year when we will revert to two issues per year, Spring and Autumn.
As we’re now so close to the end of the year, I’d like to take this opportunity, in uncertain times, to wish you all a soulful Christmas and a peaceful 2025.’
— Sheila Wakefield, Founder/Editor, Red Squirrel Press | Postbox PressOrders outside UK
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