Postbox Magazine
Postbox Magazine is a biannual collection of new short stories. It is published by Postbox Press, the literary fiction imprint of Red Squirrel Press. It is edited by Colin Will, short story writer and poet. The founder and publisher of Red Squirrel Press and Postbox Press is Sheila Wakefield. Each issue of the journal contains a variety of previously unpublished stories submitted by authors.
Contributors will receive a free copy of the issue in which their story appears. If you'd like to submit stories for the Postbox magazine, please go to the submissions page.
Please order through our online shop via PayPal or, alternatively, send a cheque (payable to 'Red Squirrel Press') with your order to the postal address on our contact page. Postage and packing is free on all orders.
For trade orders and outside the UK, please contact us. However, with effect from 1 August 2021, orders will not be accepted from EU countries due to issues caused by Brexit.